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The Void (Linux) distribution

Void is a general purpose operating system, based on the monolithic Linux kernel. Its package system allows you to quickly install, update and remove software; software is provided in binary packages or can be built directly from sources with the help of the XBPS source packages collection.

It is available for a variety of platforms. Software packages can be built natively or cross compiled through the XBPS source packages collection.

Follow us on Twitter, visit the #voidlinux IRC channel on irc.freenode.net, and join the Void Linux subreddit.

Visit the Void build server console for package build status updates.

Contribute to the Void Linux project by adding and updating packages and extending the documentation. More information can be found in the Handbook.

Not a fork!

Void Linux is an independent distribution, developed entirely by volunteers.

Unlike trillions of other existing distros, Void is not a modification of an existing distribution. Void's package manager and build system have been written from scratch.

Stable rolling release

Void focuses on stability, rather than on being bleeding-edge. Install once, update routinely and safely.

Thanks to our continuous build system, new software is built into binary packages as soon as the changes are pushed to the void-packages repository.


We use runit as the init system and service supervisor.

runit is a simple and effective approach to initialize the system with reliable service supervision. Refer to the Void Handbook for an introduction.


We were the first distribution to switch to LibreSSL by default, replacing OpenSSL.

Due to the Heartbleed fiasco, we believe that the OpenBSD project has qualified and pro-active developers to provide a more secure alternative.


xbps is the native system package manager, written from scratch with a 2-clause BSD license.

XBPS allows you to quickly install/update/remove software in your system and features detection of incompatible shared libraries and dependencies while updating or removing packages (among others). Refer to the Handbook for an overview.


xbps-src is the xbps package builder, written from scratch with a 2-clause BSD license.

This builds the software in containers through the use of Linux namespaces, providing isolation of processes and bind mounts (among others). No root required!

Additionally, xbps-src can build natively or cross compile for the target machine, and supports multiple C libraries (glibc and musl currently).

void-packages changes

xbps changes

November 21, 2020

Passwords generated with previous versions of rclone might be unsafe

The latest rclone update to version 1.53.3 fixes CVE-2020-28924. From the release announcement:

Some passwords generated with rclone config may be insecure. In particular if you used the ‘g’ generate option with rclone v1.49 - v1.53.2 then your password will based on the second it was generated in. This means that there are fixed number of passwords in that period ~33 million.

We updated the rclone package to version 1.49.0, the first one affected, on August 27, 2019. The upstream project recommends using their passwordcheck utility to verify that your passwords aren’t among the ~33 million vulnerable ones. On a Void Linux system, you can obtain this utility by installing the go package and then building passwordcheck locally:

# xbps-install -S go
$ go get github.com/rclone/passwordcheck

October 01, 2020

Hacktoberfest and Void Linux

Update: Unfortunately due to recent changes that significantly increase the effort required from Void, we can no longer promise that your changes will count towards the 4 PRs required for Hacktoberfest.

Many maintainers use git am in a script to apply patches and batch them into build units that the buildbot can work on at a time. This precludes the application of labels unless the maintainer separately opens a browser, logs into GitHub, and interacts with the PR there. While the git am method should technically work, we’ve noticed in the past that GitHub occasionally applies the wrong status to PRs using this method (ignores magic closing words). We aren’t currently aware why this works intermittently and we can’t guarantee that a specific PR will satisfy the new requirements for Hacktoberfest.

It’s unfortunate that the rules were changed mid-run, as under the previous rules we could process contributions without disruptive alterations to our review process, and we could accept many first time contributors’ work to low-risk packages. You are of course still welcome to send your patches and they will be reviewed at the avaiability of the Void team.

It’s the first day of October, the air is crisp in parts of the northern hemisphere, and it’s time for Hacktoberfest again. This year is shaping up to be bigger than previous years, and as Void has participated since the start we’d like to provide some helpful tips and tricks for sending your first Pull Requests (PRs) to Void.

This year Void is accepting patches for two main areas, patches from unknown contributors beyond these areas have a high likelihood of being dismissed, so please color within the lines.

The first area is for non-code contributions. We maintain all of our documentation using a tool called mdBook. This has the net effect that all of our documentation is written as version controlled markdown files. If you regularly use Void and have been looking for a place to get involved, this is a good point to jump in. We aren’t trying to recreate the ArchWiki though, so make sure you understand the scope and purpose of the docs repo before sending your documentation.

For technical contributions, we are accepting updates of existing packages. While new packages may count as well, we have had many problems in the past with people adding packages and then abandoning them, so expect to meet significant resistance if you are a new contributor trying to add a package to the repo. Updating packages is very easy. You can select a package from the list of out of date packages and update it using the tools in the void-packages repo. The manual might be of assistance when you are updating packages.

As a general rule, we would prefer Hacktoberfest contributors that do not have a previous track record with the Void Linux project steer clear of “structural” packages unless you have specific domain knowledge that qualifies you to work on high-risk packages. When selecting a package to update, select a package registered to orphan@voidlinux.org when possible. These packages are otherwise unmaintained, and your contribution will have a bigger impact. You can update packages that are owned by existing developers, but understand that conflicts between a maintainer and contributor will be resolved at the discretion of Void staff.

Here are some useful tips when updating packages:

  • Don’t PR broken code, our maintainers are much less likely to give a second look to a PR that didn’t build when it was submitted.
  • While it’s possible to run xbps-src from an alien distro, this isn’t really supported. If you’re a seasonsed Linux user and want to try Void, now is the time!
  • The docs use versioned markdown, available in the vmdfmt package. You can run this locally to format your files.
  • The update list is sometimes wrong, we’d love to get patches that improve its reliability by ignoring beta versions or adding checks to packages that are not detected as out of date correctly.
  • If you have expertise in C, GNU Autotools, or other build systems, taking a look at projects that we’ve marked as not cross-compilation compatible and fixing the upstream issue can be an amazing contribution that impacts more than just Void.

We look forward to working with the amazing world of open source developers this month to improve Void and continue our high standards for quality and reliability. To ensure your PR has the best chance at being accepted, feel free to reach out for help as explained in the manual. Together this will be a high impact Hacktoberfest.